Direct mail tips

Saturday, May 26, 2007

How to Write an Email

If you want to make money from internet marketing you have to know how to write an email. Most people have no idea how to do so, and simply write a message and have no idea how to use the subject line to catch the eye.

Most people get a large number of emails daily. For some this can be twenty or more, and for others several hundred. If you opened your email inbox and found several pages of emails, which is not unusual in internet marketing, then what would you do? Would you start at the top and open every one, or would you go the bottom and open every one from there, because then you would be dealing with them in the order in which they arrived.

Of course not!

Neither would I, or anybody else. Every person in that situation would scan down their emails. Some will check the sender, looking for a familiar name and others will keep an eye on the subject line. The intelligent ones, and experienced internet marketers, will look at both. The important word is 'scan'. It is a quick flick of the eye down the list. If you don't do something to catch that eye, it will scan down past yours too.

The first lesson to learn in writing emails is to write a compelling subject line that catches the eye. And do you know what catches people's eye more that anything else? Seeing their own name! That's right. If somebody sees their name in the subject line of an email, they will stop. They will stop and read the line, but if all that says is "John, here's a good way to make money" then the reader will carry on down the list.

What you want is something like "John, Did You Miss This Last Time?" or "Mary, This Tip Will Cost Nothing". You might think of something better. However, having caught their eye with their name, you must retain their interest. You must make them WANT to open that email, and find out what is inside. Word it in any way you want, but FORCE them to open it.

Now the email is opened, what do they see? "Hello Anne, thanks for opening the email. I think you might be interested in this". What would you do if you saw that? On the other hand, what about "Hi Anne, Here's a free tip that will make you money, but not only that, will show you how to make even more." Or, "Hello Mark, How would you like to make $500 a week and pay nothing till you were doing it?"

Don't make offers like "Make $5000 every week with my great plan". Nobody will believe it, but they might believe $500 a week. That's believable and attainable, but very few people make $5000 every week, and if they did, they wouldn't tell you how they did it unless their system was now obsolete, like all the web page and article generation software that Google got wise to.

Use a title in your email, and use it to set an achievable goal and indicate to the reader that you can show them how to attain that. Then you have to deliver. Your first two or three sentences must back up what you offer and indicate how it could be achieved. Not the detail – you can't do that in three sentences – but in general. Having done that, you must expand on it.

So let's recap on what you have done so far to get your email opened, read and then attract the interest of the reader.

Your Subject Line contains a word that stops the eye scan. That is usually their name. It then contains compelling content to force them to continue to read. Once they have read your subject line, they have to open the email and they see your headline. It makes them an offer difficult to refuse, because it costs them nothing. You are not asking for money. So they read more to make sure that is true, and they find it is. They like what they are reading. So what next?

A CALL TO ACTION! That is what's next. Tell them exactly what to do to get the information they want. Don't give them too much more to read, because they have another few pages of emails to get through, so let them click for information. FREE information that will be sent to them later, when they have finished with today's emails. An opt-in form will let you send the details.

That is how to get emails read and how to get them responded to. Learn it and put it into practice. You might be able to improve on the advice, but that is in essence how to write an email, get it opened and get it read.


Friday, May 25, 2007

Profitable Email Marketing - 5 Steps to Make More Profit With Email Marketing

If you have been searching for an inexpensive way to make more profit through your online or traditional brick and mortar business, then email marketing may be the solution. In order to start profitable email marketing today, try these three steps to successful and lucrative email marketing.

1.Expand your list. The more email addresses you have on your list, the more people you will be able to send advertisements to, thus the wider scope your campaign will have. Try using some list building servers for more information on how to expand the range of your email marketing. Also, try enlisting the help of partner websites to help direct traffic to your site and help add users to your list.

2.Track your Emails. There are many tools that you can use for your email marketing campaigns that can allow you to track not only the people who receive your emails, but what they do with them. You can use web bugs, read-receipts, un-subscribes, and bounce messages, and with these you will be able to measure the response levels you are getting from your email campaigns.

3.Target your Audience. Make sure that the people on your lists are people who may actually be interested in your product. Also, make use of location trackers and other statistics. Many email clients delete "junk" mail every night at a certain time. It would benefit you to send your email advertisements after this time so they are not deleted, thus increasing your profitable email marketing.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Emails in Internet Marketing- HTML or Text Format? Part I

Many newcomers to internet marketing get excited when they learn the rudiments of HTML and want to use it everywhere they can, including their emails. At first sight, HTML seems an excellent format for emails since they can be designed to look a lot better than just plain old text. However, there are pros and cons for each.

Why is it that some people love HTML emails and others detest them? One reason for both is that you can include a lot of fancy formatting with HTML and even include graphics or links to graphics. Sometimes this improves the readability of the message. If the message is long with several headers and lists, then it is much better if you can format the text with highlights, bold and underlining.

Lists look better if they are bulleted, and some passages look better in italics. Where links or URLs are provided, then true hyperlinks frequently work better than a simple URL, especially the longer ones that can lose integrity if they flow over more than one line. Some charts are better in color, and in fact color overall is sometimes preferable to an email only in black and white.

However, it is these same features that put many people off HTML emails. To some they look like adverts, and in some cases they are. Excessive use of hyperlinks and graphics by the overzealous user of HTML can add complexity to what should otherwise be a simple email message. For every useful message with an embedded voice mail message, there are several more that have been very badly compiled and are full of adverts.

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Avoid e-mail Overload and Still Keep Everyone Informed

Have you ever come back from vacation, or from a business trip of more than a few days, to find an overstuffed e-mailbox containing a blow-by-blow account of everything that happened while you were away? E-mail overload at its worst!

You know the kind of thing I mean: long e-mail threads with contributions from everyone in the department, each copying everyone else and many leading off into side threads and involving even more people. You have to read the whole thing just to know what's going on, and to see whether there's something you need to do.

This is a common problem, and one that comes up often in my consulting and training engagements. So I'm recommending a new way of keeping everyone in the loop --- without deluging them with e-mail.

The answer is a departmental blog. Now don't stop reading --- I know it may seem a bit radical, but bear with me and you'll see how this can be hugely effective in the situation I just described.

Most teams or departments routinely deal with a number of projects or processes.

A Sales team, for example, might have

• three new major accounts they are pursuing

• information for the monthly sales report

• a new sales training program.

A Human Resources group might have

• three new training programs under construction

• several job postings

• some competitive proposals to handle the pension plan.

Customer Relationship people might have

• several promotional programs

• a new software rollout.

Fill in your own details as appropriate.

Everyone in the group needs to be kept up to date on at least some projects. Instead of a chaotic storm of e-mail, the team blog becomes the central repository for all the information on the various topics. Information can be searched and viewed by topic or by date. Let's see how that would work.

The free WordPress blog platform offers something called "categories", which are typically shown as links down the right side of the blog page, while the messages, or "posts", take up most of the space to the left.

Using one of the examples above, my categories might be:

• Presentation Skills Course

• Sales Training Program

• New Employee Orientation Program

• Job Posting: Senior Mailroom Clerk

• Job Posting: Assistant to Marketing Manager

• Pension plan proposals.

Each of these would be a category, shown as a link down the side.

If you reviewed the draft manual for the Presentation Skills course and have some comments on it, you'd want to report your findings to the rest of the group. Using the traditional e-mail method, that might elicit replies from three colleagues, with the potential to multiply into the usual "e-maelstrom".

Using the blog, though, the process becomes not only simpler but more effective. You simply post a short report on what you did and any recommendation you might have, and put it in the Presentation Skills Course category. People can comment on your post, or add their own posts as appropriate. These are also added to the Presentation Skills category.

The result is the whole story to date on this topic, with everyone's posts listed neatly in order and with nothing intervening. Everyone can see at a glance the status of the project and what, if anything, they have to do. The posts will remain on the blog unless and until you remove them, so it can also serve as a permanent record when appropriate.

When you make a post, you send an e-mail to everyone, but it doesn't need any message at all in the body. All you need is a descriptive subject line such as "My recommendation on Presentation Skills course posted today." Those interested in the topic can go and read your post, while those not interested don't need to be drowning in unwanted e-mail.

Now picture yourself coming back from your vacation. You simply go to the blog, click on the category links that are of interest to you and update yourself quickly and easily. Much better than the "e-maelstrom", isn't it?

Don't be put off by the idea of blogging if you haven't worked with it. Blogs are mainstream communication tools now, and this is one use for them that can drastically slash the amount of unwanted e-mail we all receive.

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Spam Filters do Generate False Positive

Internet is definitely making a visible trail of an improved medium of communication. Online businesses and promotions are but just some of the fields that make use of this worldwide connection. Email marketing is indeed of great importance for businesses that concern online promotion.

A big part of online marketers fail to understand the real score of their mailings. A message prompt like 'message sent' is not a guarantee that the message reached the prospect's inbox. There are instances when promotional emails and even opted-in newsletters get block and thus land on bulk folders.

Most if not all ISP's and email users utilize spam filters. Spam filters are softwares made to limit the effect of spam (these are messages that suggest violence, pornography, obscenity and the like). Spam filters have different spam detection techniques – certain filters check the content of the message, while others depend their detection on whitelist and blacklist. Though spam filters vary in detecting spam, most of them can be configured by the users - such as changing the level of security or updating the whitelist and blacklist databases. Furthermore, because of the unwanted effect of spam, be it in the context of homes, small businesses or large ones, email users and mail administrators tend to increase the security level of these filters. This results to a low false negative (false negative occurs when the filter fails to block a spam) which is very desirable. But increasing the security level increases the false positive as well. Unlike false negative, false positive occurs when a legitimate email is blocked from reaching the inbox. And this is very unlikely for email marketers. Heightened false positive rate hinders online businesses to progress. In addition, large amount of money is wasted during internet campaigns, and false positive can hamper businessmen from building relationships on their clients and prospects.

Spam filters are good; they help us in our fight against spam and spammers. But there isn't a perfect filter. An ideal spam filter should generate a zero false positive and a zero false negative. Unfortunately this is hard to achieve, quite impossible actually. But it's great to know that there are email delivery assurance systems which can help online marketers optimize there campaigns and mailings. Email delivery assurance systems test your emails on major mail administrators and ISP's to know if indeed the inbox is reached. If not, these email delivery assurance systems can help you fix the problem that hinders your emails from landing on prospected inbox(es). One of the email delivery assurance systems used today is EmailReach – an assurance system that uses delivery audit. If you are planning to secure an email delivery assurance system, you may want to visit

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Latest Direct Marketing Solution - Email Marketing with Desktop Alert

Email marketing solution provider dotMailer announced its technology partnership with the award winning push technology market leader Skinkers for new and existing clients on 1st May 2007.
Marketing experts think that this partnership is going to have a long lasting effect on the market and people can expect many similar deals in the future.

Email marketing has been a prime choice for marketers to reach the target market easily and within a moderate budget. They also use this method to sustain the existing customer base and update them about latest developments in the company.

However this technology partnership between these two corporations is going to expand the horizons of direct marketing in UK. dotMailer now will also offer Skinkers Alerts to reach the target market directly on the customers desktop.

Skinkers Desktop Alert is one of the most exciting communication channels that can take direct marketing strategies by storm if properly implemented. Industry insiders think that dotMailer's professionals are working very well to come out with a perfect solution to use and incorporate effective email marketing strategies into Desktop Alert system. The information, in this process can also be sent directly to the handheld devices which further establish its uniqueness as well as timeliness.

To add to this, that clients can decide the actual time when the information should ideally reach the target audience in a specified format. The clients can also predetermine specific visitor segment along with display duration for the optimum use of the channel.

The messages that normally arrive as an alert in the selected devices like PC, Laptop, BlackBerry or mobile phones, can also be redirected from one device to another if the message is not acknowledged to be seen or read for a set period of time.

"It is always a win-win situation for the client" says a direct marketing expert as, "now they can ensure that the messages reach the target audience this way or the other and the audience reads it – the mode is now wide open for the clients as well as the audience to choose from".
Along with it the clients now can reach directly to the niche market segment based on the permissions from the receivers or the audience. This makes the marketing standpoint of the clients more precise, trustworthy and upholds brand value.

This latest direct marketing strategy also helps to maintain the applicable laws and guidelines in UK.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Digital Camera Review

There are so many models of digital cameras available in today's market, that it becomes a rather difficult task to pick the best buy among so many options. Perhaps a few steps should be taken into consideration when choosing the right camera. Will the camera be for daily use, or just for special occasions like birthdays, family reunions, etc. Will the price of the camera make much difference on the pocket?

Assuming that price is not an issue, one should choose a well known major brand camera and if possible, go for the latest model and with the highest number of mega pixels available. The higher the mega pixels, the better the picture will be specially if there is an intention of having photo enlargements quite often. A good quality optical zoom lens will also make a big difference. Choose a camera which comes with a battery that holds a good charge, this way you can enjoy lots of picture taking without having to be worried when the battery charge will come down.

The range of features available make a digital camera very cost effective and more than likely you will be able to find the right camera suited to satisfy your needs.

If you enjoy printing enlargements of your photographs, you may want to pay close attention to the printing size and what is required in mega pixels for you to have good quality results. For you to have an idea of the amount of mega pixels required for most commonly used size of prints, refer to the chart below:

For photos 2x6 inches - 2 mega pixels

For photos 5x7 inches - 3 mega pixels

For photos 8x10 inches -7 mega pixels

For photos 11x14 inches - 14 mega pixels

For photos 16x28 inches - 28 mega pixels

For photos 20x30 inches - 54 megapixels

The handling and design also matters and the lightweight ones are much nicer to carry around. Choose a camera that is user-friendly and make sure that you have a good local technical assistance in case you may run into problems with it.

There are several advantages of having a digital camera instead of the old traditional film camera. First of all, there are no films to be purchased ever. You make take dozens, perhaps hundreds of photos and instantly delete the ones you don't like, or that did not came well into focus and just keep the best ones. You may load them into your computer album, record them and you may view your favorite photos from you camera or from your television set. Some digital cameras also come with a recording device that allows you to record special events and replay them immediately after recording

Digital cameras take pictures that are stored in digital media. It is possible to select, save or delete photos without any cost whatsoever. The photos are usually stored in media cards into the hundreds, meaning that you can take as many pictures as you like before you run out of space. Also in most digital cameras, the user can view the pictures on the LCD screen, which will allow him to pick the best ones.

No wonder that digital cameras became so popular and accessible item to almost everyone. It became a must to have one nowadays and even cell phone cameras are getting better everyday with noticeable improvements in quality of picture taken. The earlier models of cell phone cameras were somewhat limited as far as picture quality is concerned comparing to the ones we find on today's market. The mega pixels are increasing constantly and so the quality of the cameras. If a person needs to carry both at the same time, maybe a cell phone with a digital camera built in will be an interesting option to consider

If you have not bought yet a digital camera, maybe this the right time to do so, considering the manufactures are offering so many new models with new features at bargain prices. It is wise to compare the several models among different manufacturers and also the prices from traditional and online stores. Make sure you do your research right, and most likely you will find the digital camera you are looking for.

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Profitable Blogging - Great Money Out of Blogging

You might think that blogging is just getting all the contents you want. Partly, you are correct but there is more to blogging so that you will be able to get the profit you wanted. If you are aspiring to make a great deal out of your blog, then you ought to read some more of this piece.

Here are the things you need to consider when blogging.

1. You may have the best and unique content there is in the whole world, but do people know about your blog? You need traffic. Make sure that you promote and advertise your blog so that you will have the readers who will make you earn more minute by minute.

2. And since most people are looking for information through search engine, then make use of this tool. Make sure that your title itself has important keywords that would draw the traffic you wanted.

3. Use tags. This is also another way for optimizing the search engine for your blog. These will inform search engines about what your blog is all about.

4. Though you are being conscious of the keywords all through out the blog, you need to take into consideration that excessive use of keywords can render your blog as spam. You would not want this since your site may be ban for some search engines.

5. And lastly, your audiences here are people. They are humans. Make sure that the content will appeal to these readers. They are your main priority than the search engines.

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Email Marketing - How to Organize Your Email Campaign III

When you send out a free gift email, does that email bring people closer or further from buying your $5000 product? When you send out a content email, when you write a letter for your subscribers that teaches them one of your secrets – does that draw people closer to the $5000 product or further away?

So you must know your purpose when creating your email campaign.

I use a number of different types of emails in my email campaigns. I write content emails, I write referral emails, I write free gift emails, and I write responsive emails. All of these emails bring people closer to my goal for my list. They bring each of the people on my list closer to the goal. And if someone drops off my list as a result of one of my emails – they weren't going to buy anyway.

I can tell you that – you see, if you are reading this book, you are probably no beginner, and if you are, you are a smart one. You know that my email campaign is not written because I am some lonely soul who needs to have people to write to. You know that my goal is to make money, and to teach others to do the same thing online. Actually my goal is to teach others to fulfill their destiny online, but most of the time people call that making money – and then they spend the money to fulfill their destiny. But if you are promoting a good cause – awareness of a disease, fundraising for underprivileged people, or the promotion of your faith, my goal is to teach you how to do that better.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Opt In Email Marketing Secrets

Opt in email marketing can be very challenging if you are
not sure how to go about doing this. I remember when I
first started my internet business every internet marketing
course or ebook I read said the money is in the list. I
setup my autoresponder, but actually was very confused and
could not make any any money from the emails that I sent.
The money is in a responsive list. A list that you have
credibility and trust with that will actually follow your
recommendations. Through trial and error I developed the
following formula that works very well to monetize my list.

The formula that I use is the following. When a visitor
visits my squeeze page they get access to a free report.
The autoresponder sends them an email with a link where
they can download the report. I have found that you
establish better trust and credibility by creating a free
report and will substantially improve your conversion by
having links to your web site in the report.

To build a relationship with my subscribers I use
newsletters and emails with special tips giving information
that will benefit them. I also give away software that will
benefit them. When I send an email out promoting a product
I need to make sure that I have an attention grabbing
headline and very good advertising copy. Using bucket
brigade copy can be very effective to get your reader's
attention in an email. Also a time sensitive offer will
definitely boost your results which will get people to take

Once you apply these techniques you will find that that you
can monetize your list easily. However, you need a list big
enough to determine whether your opt in email marketing is
successful. You need at least a hundred people to open up
your email and this can be difficult when you are just
starting out and you do not have that many subscribers. A
good open rate will be anywhere from fifteen percent to
thirty percent. With the increase in spam and emails from
other companies it is becoming more difficult to get people
to open up your emails. I have had open rates as high as
seventy percent, but that is the exception to the rule. Opt
in email marketing can be a lot of fun when you know how.


Monday, May 07, 2007

Protect Your MP3 Investment With An Approved MP3 Player Protective Carrying Case

MP3 players are great, except lots of well-liked styles come in a restricted quantity of colors. The iPod, for instance, is only obtainable in black or white. If you want your MP3 player to be noticeable from the mob, the easiest method is to acquire a lively case.

Cases are not only style enhancers. MP3 player cases can guard your player from marring, falls and bangs. A high-quality case can extend the useful life of your MP3 player.

There are many first-rate choices of both custom mp3 player cases and standard cases obtainable. Since the great reputation of the iPod, the major assortment of custom cases is for this kind of MP3 player, but at hand and in addition are custom cases for the Zen Micro, Sony portable players, iRiver and the majority of the additional main brands.

Custom cases are prepared to fit an exacting model of MP3 player, and present the greatest shield and utility. They are intended to make the controls easy to get to and the player can be operated with no taking it away from the case.

Generic cases are intended for a broad assortment of MP3 players, as a result, are a superior option if you can't get a custom-made case. Generic cases might also contain individual features like arm bands or pockets for your earbuds.

The trouble with generic cases is that the controls of the MP3 player are frequently not easy to get to unless you take the player out from the case. Is this a major concern? If you use your player as a set-it-and-forget-it appliance, this will not be a trouble in any way. But if you like to fiddle with each song, the deficiency in admittance to the controls can be an annoyance.

For superior security, a number of cases are totally covered and are watertight down to a particular water depth. Even though it's not a first-rate thought to carry your MP3 player along for a swim, this type of container offers plenty of fortification against showers. Sealed cases in addition present security from sand and grime - indispensable if you carry your MP3 player to the seashore.

Cases might be fashioned of aluminum or plastic, or a mixture of resources to defend them from water. Silicone cases permit the controls to be adjusted while in the case, but present a lesser amount of shield from shock than rigid cases.

While cases might typically be rather practical in cost, they in addition, boast a style component, and similar to the majority of fashion-related stuff - there is very little boundary for pricing. Fancy a diamond covered casing for your iPod? No trouble - now gimmie $5000.

It's greatest if you can test a container with your MP3 player prior to purchasing it. This allows you to get a feel for the way the case fits and shows you if you will be able to manage the player when it's in the case. If the case has an armband or additional variable band, make certain it fits correctly.

You have, in all probability put out somewhere between $100 and $300 for your MP3 player, therefore you would like to get the majority of use out of it if feasible. A case is a guaranteed way to extend the life of your player, as well as is a pleasant means to create a fashion announcement. This is a must-have fashion accessory!

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Saturday, May 05, 2007

Successful E-mail Marketing Campaigns - Top e-mail Software

How Email Marketing Can Be a Productive Tool to Build Your Business.

Many people believe that marketing using -email is unresponsive and over and finished with. The truth is, marketing via e-mail is stronger than ever and alive.

E-mail Marketing is very affordable and has one of the highest ROI (return on investment). It is also a very easy and trusted way to get your brand name to your customers if you do it correctly.

Now spam has given e-mail marketing a bad name. You don't want your e-mails to end up in the recycle bin and become unread. Here are a few tips to learn about to make sure you have a successful campaign.

1. Make it easy to unsubscribe. Legal issues require you to make present and easily seen an unsubscribe message. You have ten day to honor if a person wants to be out of your lisst. If you are worried about losing some of your circulation or readers, then give them an option to receive less e-mail from you or maybe even an option to change email addresses. They may now want there e-mail to come to a new address.

2. Send subject matter that is applicable to what they have signed up for. If you start sending information that is not related to their interest, you can expect to start getting a high increase in people opting out. Stick to the subject or you will lose the confidence of your subscribers.

3. Do not add people to your list that have not subscribed. If a person has not expressed interest in your e-mail, then don't send them any information. This is called spam and now you become one of the least desired e-mailers. And you may also run into legal issues. Don't do it.

Our Top email marketing software program we suggest is GroupMail 5.

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

How To Make Sure That Your Legitimate Marketing Emails Are Not Identified As Spam

If your business relies on email marketing to get your message through to your customers, you might want to pay attention to this. Spam filters lately have increasingly been hurting legitimate businesses by blocking marketing emails. The fact that your customers have confirmed that they want to subscribe to your marketing emails and newsletter does not guarantee that your emails would get through to them. And it is even worse when you don't know that you or your company have been blacklisted.

There are quite a few reasons why you might be blacklisted. The most common one is you are accused of sending unsolicited emails. This could be your subscriber just forgot that some time in the past they subscribed to your newsletters, or this could be people who did this deliberately to hurt your business.

In order to make sure that your emails reach your customers, you have to monitor the emails delivery and check if your emails bounce back. Normally the bounce message will contain the reason why your email is not delivered. Pay attention to these messages as they might indicate that your emails are marked as spam: Access Denied, Message Refused, Client Host Rejected, Sender Address Rejected, Sender Domain Not Found, and similar messages.

When you are accused of spamming, you should remain calm. The first thing you need to do is to prove that you are innocent. And this is where you would thank the confirmed opt-in mechanism. For those of you who don't know what confirmed opt-in is, when a user subscribes to a newsletter, the user will then get an email that basically asks the user to confirm their subscription by clicking at the activation link. Their subscription will become active only when they click on the activation link. How would this benefit you? When the users click at the activation link, you will have a record of the date, time, and IP address of the computer used to confirm. You can then use this as a proof that the users did confirm they wanted to receive emails from you.

Some other basic tips to protect you from being blacklisted:

  • Make sure your emails conform to CAN-SPAM act (search Google if you don't know what CAN-SPAM is).

  • Never send emails to prospects that haven't confirm their subscriptions.

  • Make sure that your unsubscribe link works.

  • Get whitelisted with major email providers (Google, AOL, Yahoo).

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